
7th Gazellen Award for Hexspoor

For the 7th year in a row, Hexspoor E-fulfilment may call itself winner of the FD Gazellen award. One of the most prestigious entrepreneurial awards for fast-growing companies in the Netherlands.

We are proud of this prestigious entrepreneurial award for fast-growing companies in the Netherlands.

And also recognition for our motto: ‘What you pay attention to grows’.

The care and commitment our team shows to our clients every day ensures that we can both grow. Taking the time to really understand each other, working together to find improvements, showing genuine interest in ambitions—that is what allows us to grow together. That’s where this award stands for in our opinion.

Thanks to het Financieel Dagblad for the nomination, thanks to our clients for your trust, thanks to our suppliers for your attention to us and most of all, a big thank you to team Hexspoor for your commitment. Because without all of you no growth and no FD Gazelles for Hexspoor. Give each other attention, because whatever you pay attention to grows!


An experienced jury judges the nominated companies. It not only judges the financial performance, but also the sustainability and the so-called soft skills of the entrepreneur: the leadership style. We are therefore proud to be one of the winners of this great award!

For the 21st time, Het Financieel Dagblad organises the FD Gazellen Awards, in which this year 927 FD Gazellen will be awarded for their above-average growth. The Gazallen award ceremony will take place on Thursday 21 November in theatre Tivoli in Utrecht.
